Sunday, August 29, 2010
Pure laziness
Friday night we had a dozen of our closest friends over for some pizza. I had initially planned a fiesta at our house and was looking forward to cooking for everyone and using all my new serving dishes that we had received as wedding gifts. This, however, was all planned and set before I found out I was pregnant and the absolute need to do nothing but sleep hadn't quite set in yet. When Monday rolled around I was dreading the fiesta. So much so, I had asked Ryan if I could cancel it and whether or not it would be tacky. Even though he said it was fine, I quickly remembered that I'm not one of those people. So, I toughed it out...or also known as...switched it to a pizza night! How much simpler it would be on me and the hubs since he would most likely be the one cleaning up after everyone left. It was such a great night. Me and my girlfriends haven't all been together since probably Memorial Day weekend so it was so wonderful to get to catch up with everyone together. We were also joined by some of Ryan's friends as well so it turned out to be a blasty-blast. While the girls ended up in the kitchen and the guys in the living room talking about hunting it was great having us all together, full of food and laughter. We have awesome friends and are so blessed! When it started dwindling down about 11 (and they were all headed to the 40) they did a super job of leaving my kitchen almost spotless! So thankful...we hardly had to put anything up before going to bed. After everyone had left to go out for an extended night of fun, I suddenly had a wave of sadness hit me. Not that I was sad I was missing the 40, because Ryan and I are completely over that, but because I was the one not going out because I couldn't...not that I didn't want to anymore. It was weird and I think that was the moment I really realized that our life was going to be different. However, the next day after the girls texted me about how the 40 was I realized I wasn't missing anything at all...the same people, the same songs to dance to, the same night, just different outfits was all going out was now. (That's definitely a sign of old age.) I also realized that I wasn't sad or felt like I was missing out on anything...I was happy that this was my life...That I was going to be a mommy soon and my nights would be consumed with dirty diapers and sleepless nights most likely due to a crying baby. I also can't wait until I'm not the only mommy---when all my friends are married and have babies and I'm the go to person because I can give advice or suggestions. That is definitely worth looking forward to! That and baby date nights with other couples!
Saturday was pathetic. That's the only word to really describe it. We woke up at 8:30 and went to the living room to catch up on the DVR. I made it through 2 hours of Whale Wars before we started on the House marathon. Hours and hours of me feeling queasy, hungry, and nothing sounding good enough to eat except for an apple. Miserable. Also the fact that Ryan and I stayed snuggled up watching episode after episode of House and me falling in and out of sleep for about 6 hours straight. Ryan headed to his dad's for a little bit until him and some friends went armadillo hunting. I remained on the couch for 6 more hours watching a mix of Lifetime movies, Pure Country, and Footloose. I was so miserable, bored, and ashamed that I had wasted an entire day doing nothing! I just can't help it though. This little baby wants me to do nothing but sleep so I happily oblige. I've been told to just listen to my I am. When Ryan got home last night after snoozing what seemed like all day I was still able to fall asleep last night. Ridiculous is all it is. This morning after church we went to Ruby Tuesday's...I believe I changed my mind three different times while the poor waitress was taking our order. When she left, after I probably confused her(which I did for sure because she messed up my order slightly and forgot our appetizer), I looked at the hubs and simply stated, "gah, that's a pregnant girl for you." Lunch was great and we headed home, curled up in bed, and I napped for about 30 minutes before we went to put a salt lick out for Ryan's hunting spot. We then went on a Sunday drive. Yes, a Sunday drive...around we're 80...because I didn't want to be home for fear of sleeping again. Lame!! After our joyride we came home and did some work outside on the boat. Well, Ryan worked on the boat and I napped on the tailgate. I'm absolutey worthless and I know it, but the hubs is okay with it so I am too. That's true love right?
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Branson, MO
On the way to his grandparent's and Ellie's...he's improved on his driving this year and can now do it single-handley. Impressive, right?
Since food was one of our main priorities on this trip we decided to head here:Lambert's. Home of the thrown rolls.
I loved that our drinks were served in this.
I remember going with my family when I was younger and I have to admit, the whole "throwing the rolls" thing was so much cooler when I was a kid. However, it was still a great time. They played the best music also which earned them mega points. CCR (and no, that is not Cross Canadian Ragweed), George Straight, and! the song I walked down the isle to--Ben E. King's Stand By Me. Perfection. Here's what I had-- a chef salad with grilled chicken. It is massive.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Thursday's Thoughts
Marley appeasing mommy and being a good (safe) baby. (For about 2 minutes.)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Baby Davis
Monday, August 16, 2010
Reason 1427412
Today was just another way to add to my list.
I hate Wal Mart. Pretty much despise it unless I am with Ryan and even then it's horrendous. I'm a Kroger girl and only go to Wal Mart if I have to. Today was one of those days. I needed stuff that I just couldn't get at Kroger so I went...alone...stupidly. My poor brain is just dumb right now. I realize this. However, when pulling into the parking lot I made it a point to remember where I parked, which door I entered, and which door I should exit. After wandering around endlessly in the store, because (again due to my brain) I didn't make a list this time, I picked up just the things I thought I needed. I shop so much better at Kroger. It's more of a mission and I have the store mapped out. I can get in and get out. Love it. Wal Mart...not so much. There are too many distractions. From people to things I just don't really need but seem much more appealing in the store. Wal Mart sucks. Anyway, I finally got out of there but sadly went out the wrong door. I knew this was the door I had come in. I knew that Claire would be parked right where I left her and I knew I'd be soon on my way home. Wrong. I could not for the life of me remember where my car was. So, I walked around puzzled as to where I'd left my car. Panic begin to set it for I had my beloved Snickers ice cream bars in my bags!! I could not let them ruin! It was most imperative I find my car and fast...unfortunately I had zero luck. I think I looked for a total of maybe 3 minutes (for the record it felt like 15) when I broke down and called Ryan. This is the reason I don't come to Wal Mart alone...when it's busy...when it's hot...when my brain isn't functioning properly...when there are crazy people everywhere...when it's hot...when it's a Monday after 5...when it's hot. Those were the thoughts running in my head while the phone rang. Poor hubby...I'm not sure what I expected him to do? The only suitable thing would be to stay on the phone and assist me (or leave work to come help me) until I found Claire. Honestly, I was on the verge of tears by the time Ryan got off the phone with me...and for the record I still had no sign of Claire...Ryan had to help the guys at work so I ok'ed him to get off the phone. Then, enlisted the help of my best friend, Erin. She laughed at me and said it was okay, everyone does it. Thank goodness I'm not the only one who is really this dumb. I finally found my car. Right where I left it. I have never been more happy to see that little blue Cadillac. Air conditioning for not only me but for my quickly melting ice cream. This is why I love my husband (and bff)! They have patience and understand that I'm not quite on top of my game these days. I'm working on it though and things will get better. However, I'm sure I can find an app on my iPhone to help me remember where my car is...since my little clicker doesn't work unless you seem to be thisclose to it. (Like I didn't think of that--because sadly, Erin and Ryan both had doubts that I hadn't already tried that when panic first set it.) So yes, today I was that girl. The one wandering around lost in Wal Mart parking lot. I'm sure they have hours of video of people who lose their vehicles. Right?
Reason 1427412 why I love Ryan: he will coach me through trying to find Claire in Wal Mart parking lot when it's hot and I'm beyond stupid feeling.
Friday, August 13, 2010
I Believe...
…in quality over quantity.
…everything happens for a reason, whether it's known at the time or not.
…Peach Sweet Tea is heaven in the form of a liquid.
…reading is a necessity.
…compromise is truly key to a successful marriage.
…putting your spouse before all others.
…in daily planners.
…in excerise.
…my picture taking addiction will be adored by my kids and grandchildren.
…in 3/5/10 year plans, but
…life happens when you’re busying making these plans.
…durable purses.
…multiple chapsticks in that purse.
…my husband chose to marry me for a reason and that should be respected by everyone.
…growing spiritually can only help a marriage.
…eating ice cream on a daily basis helps maintain my cute little figure.
…in marriage, once in your life.
...jealousy has many faces.
…my dog is treated like a prince and should be.
…in travel and experiences.
…in saying “I love you” to my husband a minimum of 5 times a day…which is almost 2000 times year.
…fighting with your spouse is normal and if you deny that you do, you’re only fooling yourself.
…everyone’s marriage is different.
…in costume parties.
…in birthday celebrations.
…in rescuing animals.
…no one knows me better than my husband, but I still win at knowing me the best.
…in just know feelings.
…in dancing until your knees want to give out.
…in keeping some things secret….for example, a dy-no-mite recipe.
….an occasional lazy Saturday is healthy for the hubs and I, but rarely seems to happen.
…in retail therapy.
…in shared goals.
…in teamwork.
…in daily laughter.
…your family will be there before your friends, but I consider my friends family.
…Scentsy will dominate the world one day. (Side note: My SIL is now selling Scentsy…feel free to let me get your on her email list so that your house can smell like pure deliciousness.) budgets.
...God's plan is sometimes way better than mine, even if I refuse to think it at the time. "awww" moments. everlasting love.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Weekend Recap
Saturday we had a mission: find a birthday present for a one year old, eat some delicious lunch, and get a smoothie.
We succeeded at lunch at Logan's and I got my beloved Sweet Peach Tea. Good sweet tea is hard to come by, and when you add Peach flavoring even more so. But, in case you are wondering may I suggest to you: 1. Catfish 'N's sweet tea 2. Logan's Peach sweet tea, 3. Stoby's sweet tea, and 4. Sonic's Peach sweet tea. Only in that order though! You can't go wrong!
We succeed at the gift...I love buying baby girl clothes...any baby clothes for that matter...but girls are sooo much cuter! I forgot to take a picture of what we However, it was black leggings with a ruffle skirt attached, black and white striped shirt, and a red plaid shirt. Too cute. Yes, if we have a little girl she will be the belle of the ball.
Then...then, we got our beloved Smoothie King. Immune builder and a light and fluffy. Yummmm! We can never leave Conway without it!!!
Today, we ventured to Bella's first birthday party! We are on our way here...and yes, as someone pointed out in church this morning, we look like we are supporting LSU. Don't be fooled, we aren't.
Bella's cake... Whooo's turning one?
I was too busy enjoying birthday cake and holding a baby to take good pictures of her messy little face! But, no lie...strawberry birthday cake is phenomenal. Try it.
We had a great weekend with many exciting things!! We live an absolutely blessed life!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Breakfast for Supper
Sunday, August 1, 2010
A New Home
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6