This is our's crazy, it's hectic, but most of all it's fun!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

3 weeks

Last night my dear husband was especially nice to me. He told me that he would watch the baby all night long. We have a routine that we have each night with Wyatt. Shifts I should say. From 10-2ish Daddy is on baby duty. Every feeding/diaper change/wake time/getting baby back to sleep is taken care of by Ryan while Mommy gets a solid 4-5 hours of sleep. From that 2ish on it's Mommy's job since I can usually catch a nap with Wyatt sometime throughout the day. It's working fairly well... Last night however was a dream come true. I went to bed about 10:30 and slept all the way until 7. Oh. My. Word. I woke up a brand new person. Serioulsy. It is insane how "normal" and "refreshed" I feel today. Ryan is feeling pretty good today as well I should say because he also got a sufficient amount of sleep.

Ryan is notorious for feeding Wyatt and then letting him fall asleep on his chest in the recliner. He then falls asleep himself, ensuring a good amount of sleep at night. Mommy on the other hand can't sleep in the recliner, much less with a baby on top of her and is trying very hard to get Wyatt asleep in his crib each night. I'm pretty successful most nights, now if we can get daddy on the "put baby in his crib when he falls asleep" train we will be doing alright! I shouldn't complain won't be long before Wyatt doesn't want to be cuddled up to us so we should enjoy it while we can.

Today, our big boy is 3 weeks old. Wyatt takes a bottle (3-3.5 ozs) every 3 hours. He still sleeps a vast majority of the day which allows me plenty of time to clean, do laundry, get some P90X in (which I started today), and catch up on DVR'ed movies.  We nicknamed him Cornflake because that's what his stinkies smell like. Cute, right? Ha! We aren't so much a fan of bath time, but  he does enjoy the hair washing part of it. Your little grins in your sleep are my favorite! That and your little reflex that has you throw your hands up in your sleep. Ah, I will miss that so much!

Here are pictures from 3 weeks:

Today we had an afternoon stroll with brother Marley! It was fabulous to get out of the house and get some fresh air!!

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