This is our's crazy, it's hectic, but most of all it's fun!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Just a shirt?

It seems like I am officially part of the Beacon Clan. Or, at least that is how I feel and definitely what I am going to call it. Ryan's work is very close knit. Seriously, they are like extended family. I have always wore the husband's work shirts from the get go of our dating relationship. If you didn't see him in a Cooper tire shirt, then you definitely saw me in one. It's funny when you start dating and you happen to snag a shirt of the guy you're dating, you seem to wear that shirt at any opportunity. Mostly to sleep in, lounge in, and occasionally wear out in public. I felt like I was already apart of the group just by acquiring two of these shirts. Had we decided to go our separate ways, I can say that Mr. Davis would never have gotten those shirts back and they would have been tossed to the back of my closet and not thought about until I randomly came across it and would then later decided to throw it away. Funny how that happens. Months into the relationship when we knew we would be getting married, I wanted my own Cooper tire shirt. Why? I wanted to feel like a part of the clan. I didn't want to wear a medium that was a little big on me and clearly one of Ryan's shirts... I wanted it to be a small and fit me like my shirt. Well, today Ryan tells me that I will have a surprise at home when we get off work. --side note: there is no such thing as a surprise with me. I always figure it out or get him to tell me.-- So, naturally, I got it out of him. I finally was getting my own Beacon Tire shirt. A pink one, just like I had longed for. Being as finicky as I am of course I wanted a girly Cooper tire shirt. Ask and you shall receive, especially when you have an amazing husband like I do that just simply wants to spoil you like crazy. Yes, I absolutely love it and him. Ryan is so fantastic, I got two shirts. A pink and an orange. I know that to most people they would be like seriously? A shirt. Hmm...not impressive. Well, to me it's everything. I honestly feel like I am apart of this "family." You'd think that just getting married and actually being the wife would do it for me, but nooo... getting a t-shirt would be it. Funny how that happens. I tease Ryan that he is officially apart of the group and can hang with the boys now since he has a little bit of bling on his left hand. It's cute because he knows that I am right. Now, I suppose we should look forward to the day that we have kids running around like the rest of them. Our day will come, whenever it's suppose to. Until then, it's me, the husband, and the fur-baby... I wouldn't have it any other way.

Married life is awesome!!! I wouldn't have imagine I would enjoy it so much. I moved in with Ryan a month after we were engaged and so I was always curious as to whether or not our relationship would change once we were married. How could it? We were already living together doing the "married" thing without the title. I was sooo wrong. It is a million times better than anyone could imagine. I would recommend it to everyone, but only when you have found the right person...and luckily, I did.

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