This is our's crazy, it's hectic, but most of all it's fun!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

49 weeks old/2nd anniversary

49 weeks old and he was a Grumpy McGrump. I do believe that his 2nd top tooth is hurting him. Tomorrow should be better!

Don't be fooled, he wasn't that upset. He was fake screaming and crying. Real cute!

See, I got some smiles out of him...

But mostly he was content chillin' in my lap.

Today is also our 2nd anniversary. Mom called and asked what we were doing and we had zero plans, so she insisted we go eat dinner and her and dad could come watch the baby. We took them up on the offer!

His PawPaw brought him some ice cream. Well, him and Marley.

Our 2nd anniversary picture:

changed a lot from last years when I was 37 weeks pregnant and just finished hiking Petit Jean:

Happy 2nd anniversary Bunney! I love you so much!

1 comment:

  1. Happy {late} Anniversary! I can't believe we "met" 2 years ago already. Hope you guys had a nice dinner! :)


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