This is our's crazy, it's hectic, but most of all it's fun!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

24 weeks

24 weeks old and you melt my heart by sleeping like this:

New things lately:

You started using a sippy cup. We let you practice with it once a day and just put water in it. You look like such a big boy when you use it and it’s so cute. You sometimes get a little tired of holding it and when you do I take it away, and at that point you suddenly freak out and want it back. Magically your strength is renewed and you can hold your cup for a little longer.
You’ve been practicing sitting up by yourself and now you are doing it really well. We just sit next to you in case you start to take a tumble. Right daddy? Right. You are such a big boy! It’s fun watching you sit there by yourself, playing with your toys.

You pass toys back and forth between your hands. Whenever we are eating or drinking something you are focusing so hard on us and always open your mouth. You’re such a little catfish.

The least fun we have had with you this week is teething…Yuck. It is absolutely no fun. About a month ago you were a drooling machine so we thought maybe you were teething then, but this past weekend you definitely haven’t felt that great. It has started with your never ending runny nose, which one day we think has dried up and then the next is like a faucet all over again. You are getting particularly fussy in the evening and have taken on a whole new love affair with Sophie. Along with her, you enjoy chewing on our fingers and on a wet wash cloth that has been stuck in the freezer. We just hold you and let you chew to your heart’s content. If we don’t? Well, you are a mean, grumpy baby. Either way, we still love you very much!

Thankfully, teething hasn’t impaired your sleeping...see above picture again...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Weekend Recap: Prepping a deer stand

We tagged along last night to help daddy prep his deer stand a little bit. We mostly sat in the truck and looked around, but it was nice getting some fresh air. Wyatt is at the stage where he absorbs everything so it's easy to take him and just let his little brain get to working. Here are some pictures from our little adventure.

Daddy is the little red dot in the tree. It's kind of like where's Waldo...

After Ryan got finished we drove through the farm looking for deer. Yes, I am being a "bad mom" (in some people's eyes) for riding through a farm with a baby in my lap. Whatever though, he loved it, and I'm pretty positive it looks like I am holding E.T.
Half way through the ride he was out. So sweet.
It won't be long before Wyatt is out there hunting with his daddy!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Happy birthday, Bunney!

Today, Ryan turned the big 3-0!!
 Last night he got his duck decoys and believe me when I tell you that he was on cloud 9!
Can't you just see how proud he is?
These are apparently might fine duck know, all pretty with felt heads...
He was like a little girl texting "Donnie" about his sheer excitement.
This morning, I had Ryan's present on the table. I made this little bouquet for him along with his cards from me and Wyatt and also some new shirts I got him. He loved them!
 We planned to spend the entire day together (yay!). We headed to Stuttgart so we could go to Mack's Prairie Wings to buy him so new waders. But first we stopped in Conway for what else? Smoothie King!
 Wyatt did soooo good today! He is such an easy, easy baby and we love being able to take him with us. We had fun at MPW and also had a really yummy lunch at the Cajun Bistro.
I also ordered these and mom brought them over while we were gone so it was another surprise for Ryan. They were from The Cake Place and there were soo good. We will probably be ordering a lot more from there!
 Here is Bunney with his new waders. He is so proud, but you cannot tell because he is trying to be seductive for me. 
 We also got a decoy bag for those fabulous decoys. How appropriate correct?

At least I got to do some shopping in Little Rock on the way home, so we had a really fun day.

Ryan, you are such a wonderful, wonderful daddy to Wyatt and a great husband to me. I hope you had a wonderful day today. I'm pretty positive that you did!! I love you so much and I hope that this is your best year yet. (How can it not be though? Toot makes life 1 million times better!)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fall TV

My husband and I are going to become fat and lazy this fall.

Why you may be wondering? The answer? Fall television.

Okay, so maybe we won’t end up like Mike and Molly (which is on the DVR) but I can tell you we will be spending a lot of time curled up on the couch. We will just have to do workouts during commercial breaks…but we never watch TV live so that may not happen…but then we really need to be doing something…so maybe back to live TV it is. Ah, decisions, decision.

Last night, was the season premiere of How I Met Your Mother. It’s a great show, but honestly I am getting a bit irked by the fact that it seems like it is never going to end. Yah, I get it…when we find out who the kid’s mother is, the show is dunzo. However, I am almost to that point to where now I just want to know. Maybe this will be the last season for it and Barney will marry Nora (I hope) and Lily and Marshall have their baby, and we find out that the mother is actually the cupcake girl, and Robin…is well, Robin? Regardless, the show is legen (wait for it) dary and I will miss it once it’s gone.

Anyway, we also started Two and A Half Men. It was just okay…mostly I just wanted to see the storyline. We will see where it goes, but I have a feeling it will get deleted off the DVR. I do love me some Ashton Kutcher though so many it will get a little better. I just know the first show was just okay.

What I am so excited about is 2 Broke Girls. I was laughing the entire time. I really think it’s going to be great. I love Max’s character, especially the snapping at the very beginning. Love it. I hope it has a good season and comes back for a second!

Up All Night is straight up hilarious. I think I love it so much because we can relate to it now days. Ryan missed the first episode because I deleted it without thinking after I watched it, but he will definitely enjoy the 2nd episode with me.

Also on our DVR list: Mike and Molly, Vampire Diaries, Whitney, Revenge, Last Man Standing, The Office, and America’s Next Top Model. That’s all I can think of right now. Throw in college football and the Sunday/Monday NFL games turns out to be a lot of tv. Gah, we are pathetic. Luckily this is what lazy Saturdays and Sundays are for…catching up on tv. (What also helps is that we have a little boy that goes to bed at 8.)
One last thing...can we all be sad together that Teen Mom is ending tonight?

So, what are you watching this fall? (Is this what has you gaining an unnecessary 5 lbs, too?)

23 weeks

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Weekend Recap

So this weekend with dealt with our first runny nose...This little boy felt pretty yucky over the weekend.

Can't you tell by this little face?

Daddy and I took turns rocking him to sleep...we didn't mind considering he isn't the type of baby that you rock to sleep, so it was a rare treat.

Saturday we went to my brother's graduation. On the way we entertained ourselves by way of an iPhone camera.

I've recently become a little bit obsessed with nail polish. Here is my Essie Very Structured that I just got.
Pretty, no?

Ryan decided to share his nail color as well.
Here is cutie Wyatt with Uncle Jason!
And with Mimi and Pawpaw...I think they secretly planned to all wear blue.

We had a pretty good weekend. We are still dealing with the runny nose. I stayed at home with Wyatt this morning while Ryan went to church. I'm hoping in the next few days we're all dried up!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Birchbox 1

I got my first Birchbox yesterday. Truth be told, I wasn't all that impressed. I think it had something to do with it being my first one and the fact that it was their 1st birthday so I guess they thought putting a "friendship" bracelet was the right thing to do? I don't know...I however, was not a fan.

Here is the little box it came in:

And here are my goodies:
I got the awesome bracelet, perfume, a facial moisturizer, a lip plumping conditioner, and nail polish strips.

I tried the facial moisturizer and wasn't blown away or anything. The perfume smells really really good! Tomorrow I plan to see how the lip conditioner is.

I guess I will be giving Birchbox a second go...


This past Friday we left for St. Louis to go to the Braves and Cardinals games sans-baby. What the heck were we thinking?! I think when we initially decided to go about 3 months ago that I felt that I would be ready for a mini-vacation. I looked forward to it, in fact. A couple days away from mommy responsibilities sounded dirty diapers, no bottles to clean, no playing on the floor for endless hours, etc. just real adult time with my love.

My mom and dad kept Toot McGoot so we stayed the night with them Thursday so I could get every ounce of lovin’ in on Wyatt until the moment we left. We headed out at 10. The Buchanans joined us also, leaving little Mia in the A-R also.

It was a long, long drive up there and once we arrived we had to pretty much get ready to go to the game then. It was a really good game, but we didn’t win. Actually we didn’t win either games that we watched, but whatever. At least they were entertaining. We only sat 25 rows up and under an awning so it was perfect.

Saturday we woke up and had breakfast at a cute little restaurant called Roosters. What’s funny is we were really impressed with our food at first and even shortly after the meal. But, later in the day, I told Ryan that “now that I think about it, I really didn’t care for my breakfast.” You win some, you lose some I guess, but we will probably not ever go back.

After breakfast, Ryan and I went to the Arch. Let me preface by saying that my husband is deathly afraid of heights. Seriously. He is scared to death. He must seriously love me though because he was very willing to go up in the arch. What didn’t help was the fact that we had to wait close to an hour to go up in it. When we were finally in line, about to enter the death chamber capsule to go up, you would have thought Ryan had dipped his hands in a bucket of water. Poor thing, I wasn’t sure he was going to make it, but once we got up there he was great. He even looked out the windows! He was a little on edge though…a little skittish, but that’s to be expected. We took the first ride back down (it runs every 10 minutes) so we really hung out 650 ft above the Earth for a long time can’t you tell?

Once we were safely on the ground and walking back, Ryan was literally skipping along. He felt so accomplished. So proud. I just let him gloat. We then went to a late lunch at Charlie Gittos. Holy Moly! So very, very good. Ryan hates Italian…It’s my favorite. This is another way that I know that he loves me because when asking someone who lives in the area for the best place to eat, he was A-OK with the Italian restaurant suggestion. It definitely didn’t disappoint! We will definitely go back next time we are there.
And we like to do prom poses from 1992.

We went to the game later that night and lost again. Seriously, the Braves lost alllll 3 games. I’m not sure what the heck is up with that, but it is not okay in our book. However, we proudly wore our Braves t-shirts once we went out on the town that night. It was fun to go out in a different place to an actual fun bar. I got to get my dance on which I hadn’t done in a couple months so we had a great time. Ryan and I stayed out longer and headed to the piano bar, but quickly grew tired of that and were ready to head to bed. We stay out real late nowadays. 1 o’clock used to be nothing back in the day. But now? Now I am craving my bed by the time. Plus, the quicker we went to bed the quicker we would wake and leave to see Wyatt.
I loved the little time away. The only thing I hated was the fact that I saw so many babies…everywhere at the game. What got me the most was I knew that we could have brought Wyatt and he would have been fine. Next year, we are taking Wyatt to his first Major League Baseball game. He will be proudly sporting his Braves gear and hopefully we will be leaving with a couple W’s.

It never felt so good to get back to Wyatt. Ryan and I argued who was getting to hold him first. I, of course, won that argument. What’s funny is Wyatt could have cared less that we were even gone, much less how excited we were when we got back home. That’s what grandparents are for though, right? To make them feel completely comfortable and happy so that they don’t realize mommy and daddy aren’t around. My parents did great with him, but I never questioned that they would.

I can say that we will stick to our one night overnight trip for Wyatt each month. Next month Nana will be keeping him and this time I won’t be 6 hours away. Thank. The. Lord.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

5 months old!

It is so hard to believe that you are a 5 month old!

With each passing day your personality just keeps getting bigger and bigger. You are such a lovable little guy and are really becoming more fun as well. I love that we are able to really interact with you and you are showing true emotions and can basically know when you are having the best time or absolutely bored out of your mind.

At 5 months you are still eating every 3 hours. I would like to start stretching that out a bit, but dear sweet boy you pretty much won’t have it. At that 3 hour mark you are pretty much opening your mouth like a little catfish waiting to be fed. Your eating schedule is like this: 8 oz bottle at 8:00…6 oz bottle + cereal at 11:00…8 oz bottle at 2:00…was veggies, but now we are on to fruits so an entire container of fruits + 3 oz bottle at 5…8 oz bottle at 7:30ish.

You take 3 naps a day and your first nap is usually your long 2 hour nap starting usually no later than 9, followed by two short naps in the afternoon. One close to about 1:00 and then another about 4. This of course varies slightly depending on the day, but is normally about that. Once you wake up at 5 you are up for the rest of the day until your bed time which comes between 8-8:30. We put you to bed, read your Bible, give you kisses and don’t hear from you again until 8:00 the next morning. Occasionally you will wake up at 4, but it’s not even crying just jabbering and kicking your legs and all you want is a new diaper and you are back to sleep, so a big thank you for being such a great sleeper from 3.5 weeks on
Pacis are still just for sleeptime use and we still “pull the plug” as we call it about 5 minutes after you’ve been in your crib. It calms you just enough to help you drift off into your sleep. We took off the bumper from your crib last night because we found you trying to sleep on your belly. I hate that you do that, but I guess it’s part of it.

You love your jumperoo and are a crazy little boy who rolls around everywhere. You can almost sit up by yourself completely, but I wish you would just slow your roll a bit because next comes the crawling and I am seriously going to be on my toes nonstop. Also, I know that you are growing entirely too fast and I’d like to really soak up this “baby” time as long as possible.

You are still in size 3 Pampers and I assume will be for a while. We have phased out all 3-6 month clothes and you are now only wearing 6-9 and 9 month. I’m pretty sure all your clothes will not be fitting and we are going to have to buy you an entirely new fall wardrobe, but shh…we won’t be telling daddy. We bought you some size 3 shoes and they barely fit, so it’s fair to say that you wear a 4. I’m telling you, you are a healthy boy!

You L-O-V-E your puppy Marley. He has become your pal over the last few weeks and it is so cute. He is learning to have more patience with you, especially when you decide to eat his face. He is also very, very willing to give you lots and lots of kisses…mouth kisses at that.

You have been an absolute joy to not only me, but of course your daddy as well. We look forward to the next month and all the surprises you will have in store for us!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

21 weeks

21 weeks today!

You are now consistently rolling both ways...rolled over back to belly about 3 weeks ago for the first time and here and there since, but did it non-stop over the weekend so I will say you're officially capable of it. We knew you would eventually get're just such a big boy that it took a little more strength on your part to get over. You are just over 19 pounds...that's a lot of baby to be carrying around! You definitely give me a work out each and every day!

I will post more fun stuff on your 5 month post next Monday!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Because he loves me...

He trusts me enough with his gun.

I'll admit it could get a little scary. However, he graciously set up the "target" for me (3 gatorade bottles on a big blue tub) and I did pretty dang good. He is just getting me ready for hunting season this year. Should be fun!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Born to be a Sand Lizard

Last night Wyatt went to his first football game!!
What's fun is Daddy is a Little John and Mommy is a Sand Lizard so what does that make Wyatt?
A Little Lizard!
He was so cute in his little shirt.

He was such a good baby at the game. He was completely entertained by everything going on.
He even got to meet his little girlfriend Mia at her first football game as well! (She's staking claims on Wyatt.)
Nearly 7 month old Mia and nearly 5 month old Wyatt...even more evidence my child is a little chunk. So cute.

I am proud to say that our Lizards won last night!! Thanks goodness we dressed appropriately!
We may try another football game in cooler was almost too hot for all of us.
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