This is our's crazy, it's hectic, but most of all it's fun!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

20 weeks

You're 20 weeks old today!

Yesterday you stayed with your first "non-family" member babysitter...okay, okay to be fair you stayed with Auntie Erin and Ridgey who are basically family so I guess that doesn't really count. Either way, I think you had a great time. Here is one of the pictures that Erin sent to me during the day. So cute! And ,of course, I immediately forwarded to Ryan and said that's what it'll be like with two babies. Awww :)...Yah, I can already picture it now. My heart is melting.
It's insane to me you are 20 weeks old. 20...this is half of my pregnancy dear child, do you realize this?

Pregnancy teaches you patience...did you know that?

When we found out we were expecting a baby we were over.the.moon. I never wanted anything so badly and was in awe that I was actually going to have my own baby to love on non-stop. Then...then I realized it was an entire 40 weeks away and that it may as well be years because it was going to feel just like that. I have never been a patient person. Ever. I can ask Ryan to do something, he will say sure, and two minutes later I am doing it myself. It's a habit and I like result quickly. Needless to say patience is not on the Top 10 Best Traits for me. I'm okay with this. While pregnancy makes you wait and wait (and wait some more) you learn to be okay with it taking forever. You learn that the longer this little baby bakes the better off he is going to be. You learn the farther away the weeks are the better off you will be mentally, financially, emotionally, etc. Not so much physically. And, just when you don't think you can take another day of a beach ball under your shirt your sweet little miracle babies enters the world and then do you know what happens?? I do. Your life rushes by you. Your little newborn all too quickly morphs into a laughing little infant who isn't so much a baby, but more of a little man in a teeny-tiny (or not teeny tiny at all if you're name is Wyatt Hudson) body. It's heartbreaking and exciting all at the same time. I have a serious love/hate relationship with Wyatt growing up. Each stage is seriously better than the last, but also so bittersweet because I want to bottle him up right now. I can't believe we are approaching the 5 month mark already! I'm pretty positive I went on a complete tanget with patience and what have you, but you know what? It happens (and way more often than it should).

Monday, August 29, 2011

Weekend Recap

 Let's see...

Friday night we did a whole lot of nothing. Story of our life, right? Right. We curled up and watched Something Borrowed which was such a good movie! I really wanted to read it before I watched it, but I will just have to settle with watching it first. It was so cute (and sad), but also really funny. I heart John Krasinski but don't tell my husband.

Saturday morning Ryan got up early to go to his annual Fantasy Football draft so me and this cutie hung out for the day. I sent Ryan this picture and said that he got all dressed up because he was thinking he was getting to go to some draft that his daddy kept talking about, but instead got left behind. (Sad face.)

But fo' cute is my kid?

This is how daddy spent his day...looking bright eyed isn't he? Yah, I didn't think so either...
Hopefully he was sober enough that we have a good fantasy football team this year.

Here's me and that cute baby again. I hope by now he is use to have a camera (or phone) in his face all.the.time.
Saturday evening I took Wyatt to my parents so that I could have some girl time!
Yes, we are in fact that vain that we set a camera up on a microwave and took a picture of ourselves. It was like the old days. And yes, we did take multiple pictures. Whatev. We went and had dinner and then went to watch one of our friend's band play at the Gazebo on Front Street. It was hot, but a lot of fun just sitting around, listening to music, and chatting. I picked up Wyatt and headed home just to be in bed by 10:30. I go all out now days.

Sunday Ryan got home about 9 or so and we fed the baby and got around to go eat lunch. Then we pretty much did nothing but watch tv, play with Wyatt, grocery shop, and clean the house.

Here we are about to head to it just me or is my child ginormous? And he's only 4.5 months old. We may have to take out a second mortgage to feed him in his teen years.
Hanging out with daddy. I love his big blue eyes!
This was before we had a crappy evening...we've discovered carrots and Wyatt's tummy do not cooperate. In fact, they are pretty much having a wrestling match I believe and his tummy is winning. At least we move on to peas tonight so hopefully they will work better. So far, his favorite veggie is green beans!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fall wreath

Here is the Davis' new fall wreath!
 I was wanting to make a new fall wreath for us and decided to do one of the rosettes that I love.

Here is what you will need:
-Fabric (I used 3 different ones)
-Felt squares
-Glue gun
-Letter and paint

1. Start by cutting your fabric into 1.5 in wide strips and about 22 in long (small) 45 in long (large). Fold strip in half and glue.
2. Fold the strip over once to the left and again over towards the right, gluing the second fold so that you have a point. Glue the tip to a piece of felt. (I glued all my flowers onto the felt and then cut all out at once. Way easier.)
3. Begin twisting and gluing all the way around. I like the "tighter" look of the flower, so I twisted tight and glued often. Continue doing so until you are finished...and yes, you may feel like you are in the early stage of carpal tunnel.
4. When finished, simply glue the last bit down, let dry and cut out. I've seen some flowers with the frayed look but I didn't care for it in excess, so I trimmed mine up.

Then, all you do is start rearranging and gluing these puppies onto a wreath, with your preferred letter and painted whatever color you desire. It was so simple and I can officially say I am obsessed with my glue gun
Now, just to wait until mid-October or so...or until the Razborback season draws to an end (or earlier if the boys aren't doing so hot!)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

19 weeks & Marley Phoenix

19 weeks old!! How cute am I?
Do you remember this little guy?
 His name is Marley Phoenix and he was our "first" born. Well, we still have him and he still loves us despite bringing in a little boy that turned his world upside down. He got a little hair cut today and he was mighty good lookin'! Anyway, we still love him and we think he still loves us...despite the fact that we still send him to Mimi and Pawpaw's every weekend.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Housewarming Shower

Last night we went to Haley's for a surprise housewarming shower. She was actually surprised (yay!) and got lots of goodies! We got her plenty of cleaning supplies!
I couldn't resist making the mommy-to-be homemade chocolate chip cookies.
 Here is Wyatt with his favorite Aunties!


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

50 things you may not know about me...

I saw on a friend's blog where she did 50 fun things about me...who doesn't like to share info about themselves? Ha... I had to follow suit and do one of my own.

1. I make our bed every single morning. I absolutely cannot go to bed if the bed has not been made first.
2. I thoroughly enjoy foods now that I once despised before I got pregnant...onions and pineapples (no, not together). It's the weirdest thing. I heard that this does happen and I guess I am living proof now. I now buy a fresh pineapple once a week.
3. Along with that...I do not have my sweet tooth like I did. Very, very upsetting. I use to have a dessert after every meal and now I can go without.
4. I am the money manager in our family.
5. I love Post-Its but hate the regular yellow ones. Ew.
6. I have a Bachelors Degree in Economics and Finance. I used to always joke with my mom that I couldn't wait for the day that I called up my daddy and told him I was putting my degree to good use (read: throwing away all his hard earned money) and being a stay-at-home-mom. One day, I do hope to put my degree to good use, but I am honestly in no hurry.
7. I would pick a vacation to the mountains before I would a beach.
8. I'd love to kayak, but that would mean I'd have to do the actual paddling and that quickly turns me off.
9. I name every vehicle of mine: Donna, Claire, and now Clarke.
10. I want 2 boys. 1 down, 1 to go.
11. My toenails always have polish on may be chipped and desperately needing do be redone, but still...they always have something on them.
12. If something funny happens, even if it's not really that funny, I instantly text Ryan.
13. I take waaay to many pictures. I love it's all about memories.
14. I become a little bit obsessive over projects, planning, etc.
15. I will bug the crap out of you (Ryan) if I need to know the answers to something.
16. I am a hot natured person. I can instantly break a sweat in 30 degree weather. I'm afraid I've passed this on to my sweet little boy.
17. Nothing irritates me more than dragging your teeth on your fork or scratching your plate. I feel like whenever Ryan does it accidently, his eyes bug out and he quickly spits out an apology.
18. I eat when I'm bored.
19. Therefore, working out is something I have to do.
20. I prefer shopping alone because I feel much more productive.
21. My favorite piece of jewelry besides my wedding bands are earrings.
22. I love the color purple apparently. Just look in my closet.
23. I cook dinner 5 days a week.
24. I do a load of laundry every single day.
25. I don't feel like a crafty person, but seriously long to be one.
26. 409 is my favorite cleaner of all time.
27. I'm very "wordy." Hence, the reason this is more than a simple list...I feel compelled to explain a lot.
28. I love getting mail.
29. "Romantic" stuff makes me feel super weird. I once had a candlelit dinner and I honestly felt like a complete idiot. The only thing I truly wanted was for the lights to be turned on, the food to not be my favorite Italian, and for there not to be any flowers on the table at that moment.
30. My favorite sport is football.
31. New Years Eve is my favorite holiday.
32. Saturday is my favorite day on the week.
33. I love me some karaoke.
34. I (we) use words like asphalt and shipwreck in our household. Example: Kiss my asphalt. (All in a joking manner, when we ask one another to do something.) Example: Marley runs out the door and is gone for 20 minutes and you suddenly realize that he is gone, first thing you say? Shipwreck. It's our way of cussing now that little boy's precious ears are around.
35. With that said, I have a pretty bad potty-mouth.
36. We eat dinner at the dinner table.
37. I cannot stand to have a dirty kitchen after dinner. Within 2 minutes of us being done with supper I start to clean up, wash dishes, and put leftovers away. Ryan always says "I'll do it." but I never let him because I can't let it sit there.
38. I hardly ever have the tv on when I'm at home.
39. I like getting ready for the day listening to Pandora from my phone in the bathroom.
40. I don't have a "dream" vacation. I should work on that.
41. I long for the day when I have my "porn star" hair again.
42. Whenever I'm nervous, bored, or deep in thought I scratch my neck right in the center leaving a big red mark. I do this without even knowing it until I either see it or someone points it out.
43. I have a birthmark that strongly resembles a hickey on the left side of my neck. If I had a quarter for every time someone gets a smirk on their face, nudges me, and asks what I've been up to I would probably retire tomorrow.
44. I've had the same makeup bag for like 6 years. On my Christmas list is a new, monogrammed one...we shall see if I ever get it. If not, if my bag can endure another 6 more years I am a-ok with that!
45. I am a crazy animal person. I cry for more animals than I do most people.
46. I cannot eat a cheeseburger alone. I have to have some sort of side.
47. I pop my 2nd toe on my right foot with my big toe allll the time.
48. I am a morning person all the way.
49. I like any colored pen besides black.
50. I plan to be a part-time SAHM for at least 3 years, God willing.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

18 weeks

18 weeks and deciding squash isn't so bad!

He looks real enthused at first.
Then he started to warm up to them!

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Braves win! So does Sarah!

Soo...the Braves won tonight. Woo-hoo! Thank you Mr. Freeman!!

As the game was happening and we were a losin' I was trying to convince my lovely, sweet, darlin' husband that I needed something...something I clearly do not something very important.

I read about Birchbox on one of the blogs I read and for $10 a month you get 5 beauty products (4 sample sized and 1 full size product) sent to your door. Um, yes please. Now I'll admit I am very set in my ways about make-up, hair products, anything beauty related...and being on our new "budget" I was thinking it was kind of a waste. However, I really got to thinking wanting and decided I hardly do anything for me so I felt entitled to a little splurging. (I think we can manage $10 a month.)

While trying to convince Ryan that I really did need it (he kept telling me no-I'm sorry, who are you and what did you do with my yes-man husband?!), he told me that if the Braves won tonight I could get it. Well crap...they were going to lose tonight...I think we both knew it. So, I continued telling him all the reasons why I did need it and he just kept telling me no, that the only reason I really wanted it was because I love getting mail. (He knows me too well.) Well, I finally got the go ahead. There may or may not have been tears. So I will be getting my first box next month! I can't wait to share...and if it's a total let down I can cancel at anytime.

Well, after I confirmed my order and felt good about myself, Mr. Freeman himself got a base hit and bam! Our braves won! You can only imagine how triumphant I felt knowing if I hadn't just made the order 3 minutes ago I could have been doing it right then. So, thank you Atlanta Braves for pulling through...can't wait to see you live next month!

4 month appointment

If he only knew what was about to happen...

4 month shots were today...they were not fun and you have been a Grumpy McGrumpster today. It's fine though, I forgive you. I thought you were going to have an okay day after we saw daddy at lunch and you were just as happy as you could be seeing him...But then after we got home you cried for a solid 20 minutes...while I held you...while I cried with you. I finally got you calmed down and you are now snoozing next to me. Poor little guy.

At 4 months:

-Weigh 17.11 lbs
-25.5 inches long
-Eat every 3 hours, which is 5 8oz bottles a day + cereal with your second bottle
-Wear size 3 diapers
-Wear 3-6 but they are getting tight, 6, and  6-9 month clothes
-Sleep from about 9ish-8 every night
-Can almost roll back to belly
-Love your voice- you sometimes "yell" at us and we feel like we are getting in trouble
-Love you feet and hands
-You don't mind riding in your carseat because you and your bird always have the best conversations
-While conversing with your bird, you will fight sleep so bad.
-You only take a paci for about 2 minutes when you are laid down for a nap, but we go and pull it out after those couple minutes if you haven't spit it out already. It's actually weird to see you with a pacifier if you aren't in your crib. It's my goal to keep them strictly in the "bedroom" and pull the plug completely by 8 months.
-You do love your cereal and we are going to start on veggies real soon
-Marley is becoming more and more of your puppy and it's pretty dang cute
-You are the absolute cutest, most sweetest thing in the mornings! On weekends, daddy will go get you, change you, and bring you in bed with us for some oohing and ahhhing about how cute a kid we have. It's pretty much my favorite time ever!

4 months have flown by and I am so very thankful for the sweet, healthy baby we have!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Weekend Recap

Nothing major this weekend...just finished a great book The Help on Saturday and went to see the movie today with my love. The movie was great...I think it tweaked the book just well enough to have it work out beautifully. Even Bunney really liked it. I laughed, cried, and am now eager to find another good book to read. (Even though the hubs is probably opposed to that idea since every moment I spent since Wednesday not cleaning, laundering, cooking, or mommying was spent reading. Seriously- that good.)

Today we left the baby with his Mimi and came back and had supper. I went outside since it felt so good and little man fell asleep. Is the anything cuter than a baby in only a diaper? Absolutely not.

Ryan and I ended up eating dinner on the deck and it was so nice. I felt like we were dating again. Ha! Too bad the weekend is over... and shots are tomorrow. YUCK!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Razorback Wreath

In November I made a rag wreath... I put it on the door for Christmas, but recently found another one that I wanted to do for this year and didn't want this one to go to waste. I decided to make it a Razorback one instead. Like?

We most certainly do and are ready to call the Hogs in 3 weeks!

Friday, August 12, 2011

4 months

I have survived 1/3 of my first year!

Sweet baby is 4 months old today!!! I will put his stats and fun things at 4 months on Monday when we have the dreaded shots! Eek!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

It's a girl!

I posted about my best friend Haley finding out what she was having, but never actually shared that info. Oops. Well, it's a girl! Wyatt's future prom date we like to say.

I have known Haley forever. We go way, way back. Like elementary school. I am second from left on the swing and she is third. (If you dare, click picture to enlarge.)
 Our friendship endured middle school...

Even high school...
And we've always been there to help one another out...

We had the "college experience" together...

And even the eventual college graduation...
The friendship has survived my marriage to a great a guy as well as her marriage to a great guy...
The showers and eventual birth of my son...
 And now?
Now, we sit and wait until her daughter is born!

 I am so very excited for Haley and Jay as they are waiting for their little girl that will be here at the very end of this year. We have been through so much and our friendship has survived so much.  I know what it is like to be a mommy and I know that Haley is going to L-O-V-E it. Can't wait to meet Payton Reese!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: I know he's almost 30...

But seriously?!

For the record: he changed before we went to town...but it almost happened.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

17 weeks

Guess what?
 It's Tuesday...therefore, I'm 17 weeks old!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

One Year Ago

One year ago today, we discoverd we were soon going to be blessed with a sweet baby.
A few months after that we learned that he was in fact a little boy that we would name Wyatt.
A few months after that we finally got to meet that sweet little big baby and our lives have forever changed...


40 weeks and 6 days old

First few minutes at home
From yesterday at his great-grandpa's 75th birthday...days away from being a 4 month old!

Friday, August 5, 2011

I hate to admit it...

I feel like I have let the world down...

I love being a stay-at-home-mom. What I do not love is that fact that I got sucked into Jersey Shore whilst being that stay-at-home-mom. What? How did this happen? I. Don't. Have. A. Clue.

Ryan and I never watched the show. Well, let me clarify. We turned it on once to see what all the hype was about and then realized that every other word was bleeped out and it quickly got changed. I think it was when I was pregnant and things easily irritated me. Yes, that had to be it.

Yesterday, the house was clean, the dishes washed, and baby boy was asleep. I plopped down to watch some daytime television and landed on True Hollywood Story: Snooki. As soon as I turned it on, it shows a community college that she attended. I was instantly hooked, because really...she had enough brains to attempt college, she couldn't be that dumb, right? Um, wrong. I continued to watch her story. I know it was being aired since the season premiere was the night, but I couldn't turn it away. I got hooked. Crap! When THS was over I immediately turned it to MTV where the last seasn was being played up until the new season began. My tv never left MTV until we turned it off to go to bed. I am ashamed to admit that Jersey Shore is now on our DVR lists. (We need a Thursday night show.)

I took pride on not knowing what GTL meant when I would see my newsfeed on Facebook peppered with references. For the record, I found out what it meant and even had to share with Ryan who also didn't know. I learned what smoosh meant as well. I kind of feel like we had been living under a rock. A big, beautiful rock that didn't cause me to lose brain cells.

We are pretty much embarrassed at the fact that we watched it don't get me wrong...but there's just something about trainwrecks right? You just can't turn your head away from them. I secretely wanted to burst out laughing about 3 times during that hour,  but I kept it together not wanting to appear that I was that into it.

I guess there are worse things that I could be embarrassed about. For now though, I'll just stick to the trash tv that I am watching. Sigh.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Starting cereal

We started Wyatt on cereal last night and I am pretty sure he loved it. It was easy getting him to eat all his food and we had a pretty good times doing it ourselves. Daddy started feeding him first and then I eventually took over. We fed him before his last bottle of the day and he was in bed by 9, but woke up in a crying fit around 11:45. Very unlike him. Daddy tended to him and got him back to sleep, but noticed he was gassy. Poor thing. He woke up again at 4 (and yes, flashbacks of those first few weeks started creeping back into my mind and I was becoming petrified that this was going to become a nightly thing again). I tried to get him back to sleep but he wouldn't so I just made a bottle that he sucked down in 15 minutes and was back asleep instantly. I'm not sure what the deal was. I'm moving the cereal feeding to his 5:00 feeding and sticking to just a bottle for his last one. Hopefully that will work a little better?

Anyway, here are som pictures from our fun evening!

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